3 Reasons Business Owners Don’t Know What to Post on Social Media
I interact with a lot of business owners who have great collateral, websites, presentations, and resources, but they don’t know how to take their content and translate those ideas to social posts.
There are a lot of reasons why some business owners might not be posting on social media, but I’ve noticed a clear trend in what prevents them from using social media as a tool to share and grow their business.
Here are three of the biggest reasons why business owners are constantly staring at their screen and don’t know what to share on social media:
You’re Missing a Brand
This doesn’t mean you’re missing a polished website or even a logo. It means that as a business owner you don’t know how you talk about yourself and your business, how you help people, your values, and how you are different from your competitors.
You’re Not Clear on Your Audience
It’s tempting to want to work with everyone but the riches are in the niches. When you try to speak to everyone, your message resonates with no one.
When you get clear on who you want to work with, you can determine which social platforms they are active on, how to best reach them and the words to use to attract them.
You’re Unsure of Your Goals
In order to use social media effectively to grow your business, you need to have an understanding of why you want to use social media? What do you want to accomplish? Having goals allows you to create a clear plan and avoid posting just to post (and wasting time).
Once you have answers to these questions, then understanding what to post becomes so much easier!
Not Sure on Next Steps?
Grab my content map - the ultimate guide to knowing what to post and never run out of ideas again!