4 Posting Tips for Facebook
Facebook can be a confusing place. The rules and algorithms are always changing, and with 1.2 billion daily users, the amount of content on the site can be overwhelming. With so many posts, how do you make yours stand out? Here are four tips to help you help you craft the perfect Facebook post – that catches eyes and get more engagement.
Use an image.
A post with an image will always perform better than a post with just copy. Why? Well first, an image helps get your audience’s attention. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words! Secondly, Facebook’s algorithm prefers posts with an image, and with the algorithm on your side, your post will automatically perform better.
And if you’re not a photographer - that’s okay! Original photos actually perform better than stock or overly produced or edited images. Our phones now come equipped with great cameras, and people are on social media to interact with their friends. An image that you take has more intrigue and interest than a stock photo or an image that is clearly trying got sell them something. So share your personal photos on your posts - you’ll be shocked by the results!
Grab attention.
Don’t be a snooze! The first three to four words of your post are crucial to grabbing your audience’s attention. You have a very short amount of time to get someone to stop scrolling and read your post. So make sure that you write something intriguing that will grab their attention.A great way to do this is by asking a question.
If you don’t grab them with your image or the first few words of your post, you’re going to lose them and they’re gone. Spend time on the first sentence of your post - it’ll help cut through the noise.
Keep it brief.
A recent study showed that posts under 40 characters performed the best on Facebook. I typically aim to keep my posts less than 40 - 80 words. Anything over 80 will get cut off with “Read More” – and most people aren’t going to click it. Remember, you only have a few seconds to get - and keep - their attention. If you need to say more, you can link to a blog or a video.
Have one call to action
So often we get caught up in our post and we don't know how to end it. The best remedy for this is to have one simple call to action. Tell your audience what you want them to do. Do you want them to share your post? Do you want them to click through and read your blog? Do you want them to leave a comment? Do you want them to watch your video? Whatever it is, you have to ask them. We're very passive, especially on social media. So make the ask, but make it really simple. End your post with one call to action. And if you do, you'll be really surprised at how your audience actually takes action and does what you ask!
When it comes to Facebook, there is a lot of noise. To cut through the clutter, always use an image, focus on grabbing your audience’s attention in that first sentence, keep your posts short and sweet and end with one call to action! That will help you craft a post that is perfect for Facebook.
Which of these tips resonated with you the most? Let me know in the comments.