Your Permission Slip to Unplug This Summer

I just got back from a week-long vacation with my family where I was fully able to unplug. As a fellow business owner, I know you know how hard this is and how much work goes into it. Or maybe you are thinking, “how the heck did you do it?” It is not easy. But it is always worth it! As always, I came back more motivated and with more clarity and creativity to take my business to the next level. 

Now that summer’s here, I’ve been encouraging my clients to do the same. Find a time to step back, disconnect from their screens and reap the benefits. Here are some tips to help you step away this summer - without your business or your online presence falling apart. 

Put it on Your Calendar and Tell Your Team

Block the time on our calendar in advance. If you wait for the perfect time to take off, it isn’t going to happen. Choose the dates and block your calendar. Then let your team know you will be out of office so that you can all work together to get what needs to be completed before you leave and they have plenty of time for questions before you are away. I also let my clients know when I will be out of office so there are no surprises. 

Plan Ahead 

Before you head out on your trip, make sure to braindump all of the things that need to happen before you leave and while you’re away. Getting it all down in front of you can help you understand what needs to be delegated, deleted, or made a priority. Planning and working ahead can help you leave in a good spot and without stressing. I often work longer hours the week before I leave and the week after I am back. But it is still worth it! 

Make Sure Your Socials Are Set Up In Advance

Reminder that taking a week off of social media won’t kill your brand or your goals. In fact, many people respect taking time off (and it gives them permission to do the same). But if you want to keep the algorithm going in your favor, you can simply schedule your posts! 

[If you’re a business owner who has been putting off getting on-top of your social media, this may be an incredibly intimidating task. But, if you create a social media strategy in one day, with my Social Media Strategy In a Day Session, you can let it attract your ideal clients while you’re sitting on a beach or spending time with people you love.] 

Send One Final Reminder

Before you’re completely turned off, send one final message to your team and/or clients that you’re heading out! Let them know who to get in touch with in your absence or when they can expect you back. And don’t forget to set up your out of office email response as well!

Put Boundaries in Place 

If you are conditioned to be reaching for your phone or checking your email, you may need to put some boundaries in place to help you stay disconnected. You can find some of my favorites here

If stepping away seems like too much right now, you may want to consider getting some processes in place to help you truly disconnect in the future. With a social media strategy in place, you can attract your ideal clients while you’re sitting on the beach. My Social Media Strategy in a Day service helps you develop a strategy and a system to do just that. And because I know you are a busy business owner, we do it all in ONE day.