How to Increase Facebook Engagement - Instantly!
If you are feeling stuck in the rat race of social media – this blog post might be a breath of fresh air! It is easy to get caught up in posting, posting, posting and focusing on how we can get more likes, comments and shares on our posts. I’m guilty of this too! But sometimes if we stop and worry less about what we are getting and more on what we are giving, our results are not only better - but our job is easier (and not to mention more fun)! While it’s important to have a strong social media strategy and posting schedule, we often forget that engagement is a two-way street. My friend, and talented social media strategist, Katie Lance, puts it best: You have to give to get.
When you think of it this way, it clicks! Engagement is simple - you need to connect with others if you want them to connect with you. Social media is meant to be – SOCIAL! Sometimes the easiest and most effective thing to do is the opposite of what we are currently doing – stop posting so often and start engaging with others! Here are two reasons this works so well and will instantly increase your engagement.
Why this Works:
Facebook’s Algorithm
Facebook’s algorithm determines whose post you see and who sees your post. The more you engage with someone, the more likely they are to see your post. It is set up so that when you comment on someone’s post, they will then see more of your posts. Facebook thinks, “Oh, Suzy must know Teah. I am going to show Suzy Teah’s post.” If you leave one comment on someone else’s post, they are likely to see more of your posts. How cool is that?
Human Nature
This also works because naturally, after someone comments on your post, you are more likely to stop and write a comment on their photo or update. When someone comments on a photo of my daughter and I see a photo of their kiddo, I am more likely to stop and comment how adorable their family is as well! Not only does this build engagement but it builds relationships, which is what social media is all about.
How this Works:
Step 1: Personal Page
Start with your personal page. Instead of scrolling through your newsfeed and mindlessly liking posts, stop and spend some time leaving thoughtful comments. Who do you want to connect with? Past clients? Potential clients? Dream clients? Like minded friends and acquaintances? Members of your target audience? Keep these people in mind when you’re scrolling and comment on their posts intentionally. Or better yet, create Lists for these different segments and spend a few minutes a day with each List. You can create one List for fellow moms, one for potential clients, one for small business owners, etc. This will help keep you organized and will make commenting purposefully even easier.
Step 2: Business Page
Once you see this working and the magical engagement starts happening, start thoughtfully engaging on your business page as well. From your business page, like your favorite coffee shop, wine bar, gym or a business you enjoy. (If you don’t know how to do that, watch this video!) Leave comments, compliments or share posts with your audience to support the businesses you admire. You’ll notice that the businesses will then interact with your page! You’ll start to see new page likes and post engagement, and you’ll be building new and meaningful relationships along the way!
Step 3: The Goldmine
You can even take it one step further with this bonus tip: From time to time, share a post from your business page to your personal page. (And be sure to change the privacy settings to Public.) I do this about once a week by sharing content that I think will resonate with my friends. This works so well because now that more people are seeing your page (from all the intentional engaging you have been doing) they are more likely to see your business post and go like your page!
I love that social media allows us to create authentic connections with likeminded people and businesses. It makes life and business more fun and enjoyable. Follow these steps and you will not only see more engagement, but it will be the right kind of engagement from the right kind of people. And the best part – it’s free and only takes a few minutes a day! I’d love to hear how you are being more intentional about your time on social media. Leave me a comment below!